(фото) Молдова сквозь фильтры Инстаграма. Бельцы — район исторических, архитектурных и культурных памятников


Маленькая страна в сердце Европы — Республика Молдова. Это кусочек рая, где в лоне природы каждый может найти душевный покой и связь с историей. 

Район Бельцы во времена советской Молдавии был территориально-административной единицей с 11 ноября 1940 года по 25 декабря 1962 год.

Муниципалитет Бельцы имеет уникальное историческое наследие. Значимые исторические памятники в эволюции города подтверждаются необходимостью сохранения и возрождения уникального культурного, идеологического и патриотического потенциала, который был создан и накоплен на протяжении всей истории. В реестре Дирекции культуры мун. Бельцы перечислены 42 памятника из которых 10 — исторические, 18 — архитектурные, 7 — археологические, 7 — культурные. Большинство существующих памятников расположены в центральной части города.

Вот, как выглядят Бельцы сквозь призму фильтров Инстаграма:


#flori #bălți #localsmd #moldova

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#bălți #localsmd #moldova

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#balti #bălți #moldova #moldau #travel #summer

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#ceață #bălți #localsm

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Error alert!!! This one from the Republic of Moldova Most of the Moldovan territory was a part of the Principality of Moldavia from the 14th century until 1812, when it was ceded to theRussian Empire by the Ottoman Empire (to which Moldavia was a vassal state) and became known as Bessarabia. In 1856, southern Bessarabia was returned to Moldavia, which three years later united withWallachia to form Romania, but Russian rule was restored over the whole of the region in 1878. During the 1917 Russian Revolution, Bessarabia briefly became an autonomous and then independent Moldavian Democratic Republic until it was integrated into Romaniain 1918 following a vote of its assembly. The decision was disputed by Soviet Russia, which, in 1924, allowed the establishment, within the Ukrainian SSR, of a Moldavian autonomous republic (MASSR) on partial Moldovan-inhabited territories to the east of the Dniester. In 1940, as a consequence of theMolotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia to the Soviet Union, leading to the creation of theMoldavian Soviet Socialist Republic(Moldavian SSR), which included the greater part of Bessarabia and the westernmost strip of the former MASSR. On 27 August 1991, as part of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Moldavian SSRdeclared independence and took the name Moldova. The current Constitution of Moldovawas adopted in 1994. Capital #Chișinău Independence from the USSR. Sovereignty declared 23 June 1990 #ussr #soviet #cccp #moldova # easternEurope #romanian #ukranian #moldova #russia #russian #red #overprint #postagestamp #inverted #error # ottoman #empire #postagestamps #philategram #philately #timbre #sellos #briefmarken #tiraspol #Bălți #cahul #bender #Rîbnița

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Pauză #bălți #localsmd

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Drum de țară în orașul de pe Răut #bălți #drumuribălți #localsmd

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Fulgeră, tună, plouă, bate vântul! #bălți #localsm

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Zăpușeală! #caniculă #motan #cat #bălți #localsmd

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Немного лета? #moldovamea #Bălți❤ #лето2017 #изархива? #imiplacemd

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#galben #toamnă #frunze #bălți #localsmd #moldova

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Fără frunze… #toamnă #frunze #bălți #localsmd

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Jocuri de lumină #bălți #localsmd

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Au fost la piața de legume și fructe… #orașulsătesc #legume #bălți #localsm #moldova

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Biserica Armenească #bisericibălți #bălți #localsmd

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#toamnă #bălți #localsmd

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Orașul sătesc. Cine s-a mutat la oraș? Veșnicia ori sărăcia? #rural #urban #bălți #moldova #localsmd

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#capră #bălți #localsmd

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Oglindire într-o baltă… #bălți #clopotniță #localsmd

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Incendiu în lunca Răutului! #incendii #bălți #localsmd

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Автор:Denis Romanescu
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